NADMO Outlines Measures To Minimize Flood Rate In The Country


Public Relations Officer for the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO), George Ayisi, has indicated some preventive measures put in place government to control the current flood rates in the country.

According to him, government has located some places regarded as “safe havens” for victims of floods. He mentioned that gov’t has also initiated a flood sensitization program to inform and educate flood-prone areas on the awareness of such safe haven.

In an Interview with eTVGhana’s Samuel Eshun on the “Fact Sheet” show, he said the sensitization program is also geared to educate flood-prone areas the essence of tidy environments.

He said, “Those living in flood-prone areas, we’ve talked steps collaborating with the various assemblies to do some desilting and some preventative measure. Gov’t has also taken the major steps with the continuous dredging of the Odo River. There are constructions of storm drains in parts of the Ashanti Region, especially Kumasi and places that experiences flooding ever year. Again, we are sensitizing people living in flood-prone areas to be aware of the effects of flooding.”

“We have also identified places for safe havens. Where that can move to when the flood is rising and seek refuge there till the risks are over then get back to their places or homes to continue with life.”


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